Tuesday, June 5, 2007

I hate posing for potraits/photos.

Yes, i feel what the theme says. Really. I've never posed since young. Not for my baby photos, kindie photos, brat photos, teenage photos, college photos and uni photos. I mean, i seriously can't stand it. It may come naturally to some ppl, in fact 99% of ppl would most probably be happy to pose and take photoes but i on the other hand land in the minority, the other 1%.

Ironically, i would like to blame all of this on a few factors. Firstly, i think that the camera hates me. haha, yes, the camera hates me ..... every single pic that i've taken doesn't seem to bring out the best of me. Secondly, i'm that kind of person that's really really blur and if you don't teach me how to pose, that skill will never come thru me, i'm really being honest about this..i don't lie:)
Thirdly, i'm an introvert. I think this is the biggest factor of them all. I really should work on my confidence and attitude, but i still lag a little in that area no matter how hard i've tried to improve myself in that area for the last 10 years or so.

Of course i've taken some photos, but not much. Those photos that i took actually capture the mood that i'm in. It's more like i'm living the motto ' I don't do nothing for no reason'. I don't take photoes for fun. For me, fun = guilt. I know that all this may sound weird to you, but i do have a chip on my shoulder and i've been carrying that chip for a rather long time now. Hopefully the chip will mend itself and disappear.....

And for my fellow frens in MMCU, i hope that you all will understand what i'm going thru. It may seem simple to you, but it's actually a rather big emotional and psychological barrier that i've got to overcome myself. I can onli apologize to all of you. So sorry for the inconvenience.

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